I work at UCSF as a postdoc in scientific visualization. Our lab does a variety of types of projects ranging from more editorial art to data viz. This page has been created as part of a Front End Web Development class at General Assembly. To learn more about me and my work, feel free to check out some of my other work online.
- Personal Website
- I paint something (usually someone) everyday, and post it to Instagram
- My ResearchGate Profile
Homework submissions
- Acme-CorpBuilt this page using a still image as a guide
- Javascript CalculatorsWrote the JS to make calculators work
- Building Acme-Corp with JavascriptThis page builds all elements on load (CSS from HWK1)
- Blog with Like button and CommentsWrote JS for like button counter, to post a comment, and built a reset button for fun
- StoplightBuilt stoplight with CSS, and buttons that control the "lights" using Javascript
- Movie SearchWrote javascript to make movie search results populate a list
- SpreadsheetWrote scripts to add and remove columns and rows from a spreadsheet. I also added alerts to keep users from removing cells with content or delete all the cells.
- ChatroomWrote a chat app using firebase to store the data.
- Final ProjectVisual Lit Search.
In-Class Exercises
- Javascript1Using javascript to style text on click
- Javascript FunctionsUsing functions to perform simple calculations
- Table with editable fieldsUsed ContentEditable to have input values in a table
- FormUsing form html tag, and input tags to make a form. Also learned about inline-block.
- PianoUsed event listeners and 'howl' library to create a simple piano.
- CalculatorUsed event listeners to do math.